Salt Mixes For Baths

Healing water concentrates and effective vitality baths from the House of Prof. Dr. Biener as compensation to the stressful everyday life looking for a health-conscious audience today targeted to oases of relaxation. But also the needs of the guests rise with increasing range in this segment. Who invested precious time to relax, is today almost also positive effects on the health and physical well-being.

Bad companies, providing enriched brine instead of simple salt brine with minerals and trace elements, extend the offer in a simple way and position itself clearly in the medical Spa. “Nature makes it. We make after lifelike by using natural raw materials and substances,”explains Dr. Wengel, Managing Director of Prof. Dr.

Biener GmbH. In Germany alone, there are 163 spas, their mineral levels also differ, as their effect on the people. “With gentle mixing techniques we reproduce these springs or accumulate natural salts with trace elements and minerals”, so Walker. The molecular structure of salts remains unchanged – they have a powerful and lasting. Through the skin, the body while bathing absorbs minerals and the trace elements belonging to the Group of mineral. Physical deficiencies are balanced, populated the “beauty”deposits, stimulates self-healing powers. Each salt mixture acts specifically. The possibilities are endless. Lithium brine as it occurs naturally in Karlovy Vary or Vichy, adds up affects the human psyche. Not for nothing is considered “Salt of Happiness”. A bath in warm zinc sole nourishes skin, hair and nails, strengthens skin, eyes and immune system. Copper sole protects the cell membranes of the body against free radicals and stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin. As guarantors apply tight skin. An iodine bath of selenium supports thyroid naturally. This is considered the “Accelerator” of the body. Their hormones control a significant part of metabolism. For this she need sufficient amounts of iodine and selenium, but because there is a lack often. A bath in iodine-selenium sole remedy, strengthens the defense and delay the aging process. Selenium is also an antioxidant effect and protects cells from harmful environmental influences. Many good reasons to regularly visit of a spa offering mineral-rich vitality baths. “For each site and each plant, we find the appropriate sole, the appropriate additional,” explains Marcus Wengel.