Tag Archives: beauty

Salt Mixes For Baths

Healing water concentrates and effective vitality baths from the House of Prof. Dr. Biener as compensation to the stressful everyday life looking for a health-conscious audience today targeted to oases of relaxation. But also the needs of the guests rise with increasing range in this segment. Who invested precious time to relax, is today almost also positive effects on the health and physical well-being.

Bad companies, providing enriched brine instead of simple salt brine with minerals and trace elements, extend the offer in a simple way and position itself clearly in the medical Spa. “Nature makes it. We make after lifelike by using natural raw materials and substances,”explains Dr. Wengel, Managing Director of Prof. Dr.

Biener GmbH. In Germany alone, there are 163 spas, their mineral levels also differ, as their effect on the people. “With gentle mixing techniques we reproduce these springs or accumulate natural salts with trace elements and minerals”, so Walker. The molecular structure of salts remains unchanged – they have a powerful and lasting. Through the skin, the body while bathing absorbs minerals and the trace elements belonging to the Group of mineral. Physical deficiencies are balanced, populated the “beauty”deposits, stimulates self-healing powers. Each salt mixture acts specifically. The possibilities are endless. Lithium brine as it occurs naturally in Karlovy Vary or Vichy, adds up affects the human psyche. Not for nothing is considered “Salt of Happiness”. A bath in warm zinc sole nourishes skin, hair and nails, strengthens skin, eyes and immune system. Copper sole protects the cell membranes of the body against free radicals and stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin. As guarantors apply tight skin. An iodine bath of selenium supports thyroid naturally. This is considered the “Accelerator” of the body. Their hormones control a significant part of metabolism. For this she need sufficient amounts of iodine and selenium, but because there is a lack often. A bath in iodine-selenium sole remedy, strengthens the defense and delay the aging process. Selenium is also an antioxidant effect and protects cells from harmful environmental influences. Many good reasons to regularly visit of a spa offering mineral-rich vitality baths. “For each site and each plant, we find the appropriate sole, the appropriate additional,” explains Marcus Wengel.

Healthy Tips

What you eat can work in favor of your beauty or against yours as your best or your worst enemy. Healthy Tips for your own benefit, we will give to know certain tips that will be very practical for you when organising his regime and the frequency of their meals. Let’s see which ones are:-avoid the habit to be itching between meals, simply out of boredom or to compensate for something that never it will solve eating or taking miracle pills. If you want to reward yourself, spend the money that invests in food healthy or buying cosmetics, clothes or books and journals that distract her… -Try to reject invitations to dine in restaurants or homes of friends. Also delete snacks away from home to avoid falling into temptations. -Do know friends that you have a purpose very firm to your diet as best as possible, and thus prevent commitments to accept this kind of invitation. -When the desires of eating foods that get fatter it mislead it, think that then you’ll have to spend their money on aesthetic clinics or think before consuming them as follows: If as that safe food that I will gain weight if not thing as not fattening.

Therefore, I will not do so. -Have only food in your refrigerator nutritious and remove all others. It is a good method to avoid weaknesses. Weekly, set a goal of lowering a certain number of kilos. Buy a fascinating dress from a bottom to his size and proposed use in a few weeks and see how each day will be closer to achieve this. -Delete the habit of eating when you leave the theater, cinema or stores.

Save that money to spend on other amusements. -Buy a table of calories and constantly carry it with you. Find in it information about the nutritional value of food. You will see the surprises that will be to consult it. -Drink plenty of water! It is not only very necessary for the health, but it helps to combat cellulite and eliminate impurities. But during meals, try to avoid it or reduce it.

In The Change Of The Life Feelings

Borage as a dietary supplement the Methode Brigitte Kettner it sounds like a culinary mix before Russian soup and an English porridge Borage, but this is a spice and medicinal herb that has a substantial effect. The herb is known since the antiquity and is native to the Mediterranean and has become especially when hormonal changes, how the body learns it in menopause, proven. Popularly borage is also known as blue sky star, Borage or love eyes. The plant/herb contains a rich set of multiple unsaturated gamma-linolenic acid. All important metabolic processes of the human body are controlled by the Omgega-6 triple saturated fatty acid.

The Methode Brigitte Kettner offers this medicinal herb in capsule form as a targeted high-quality dietary supplements. “The stormy phase of menopause full especially if the stormy phase” be made through the menopause and the production of female hormones (estrogens) significantly reduced, then often on that will deepen as very unpleasant side effects. That, for example, hot flashes can be paired with sweats, insomnia, mood swings, or for example, nervousness. All this is paying the most common ailments and skin and mucous membranes but also alter the hormonal alteration of these worse blood as a result. The internal and external complaints should be relieved by taking the capsule. Many important nutrients contained the medicinal plant not only has a high proportion of valuable gamma-linolenic acid are, but also mucus, essential oils, tannins, minerals and silica, which not only anti-inflammatory effect by your wealth, but also sudorific and blood purifier. “By taking the capsules method: Brigitte Kettner”, activates the skin’s metabolism, so that the skin its natural barrier function can meet. In addition Borage has become proven as an antidepressant, and gives when you believe the old traditions, then zest for life and Liebeskrafte to wake up by eating the plant. The plant can be found also in German gardens, where the deep blue, five-digit flower star shines almost throughout the summer. Also can the herb”for soups, salads, ricotta and cold sauces used to and a bunch of Borage in the bedroom to give pleasant dreams. A technical article by Mari Sun, expert of