Low Blood Pressure Is Serious

Blood pressure is determined by the action of two factors: the amount of blood pumped by the heart to the arteries and resistance to blood flow caused by the walls of the same. Low blood pressure is mainly associated with the first of these two factors. Present levels of low pressure with respect to the mean (112/64) is not as serious as having hypertension, and in general it should not mean greater concern, since lower levels of pressure are associated with less likelihood of cardiovascular accidents. However, under certain conditions, have low blood pressure or hypotension, Yes may imply some drawbacks. Hypotension is associated with low blood pressure, and this is caused by a reduced flow of blood through veins and arteries. When blood flow is too low, get less oxygen and nutrients to the brain and vital organs, causing failures in performance or even permanent damage. I know if I have blood pressure low? We are talking about hypotension when the levels measured in blood pressure are they below 90 (systolic) and (lower diastolic) 60.

People with hypotension may have sudden drops in pressure at certain times, for example causing a feeling of dizziness or even fainting. This type of symptoms occur when blood flow is reduced to the brain, due to a very low blood pressure. In such situations the medical consultation, is recommended since it is fundamental to identify the cause of this decline, to prevent major accidents in the future. However situations of everyday life where it is common there are low blood pressure, for example to get up quickly after sitting or lying down. If the feeling of dizziness is reverted quickly, you don’t need to worry, because what is happening is simply that the blood, which was stationed in the lower part of the body had reduced its pressure, but when the person becomes suddenly standing, low pressure, and can cause these symptoms. If the recovery takes more than normal, yes it can be a case of low blood pressure. Also sudden pressure drops occur when blood loss, suffering for example to the suffering of a wound. In these circumstances it is also normal is that the body reacts quickly to recover the pressure, through the acceleration of the heart rate, the refinement of the veins and arteries, and the reduction of the blood flow to the kidneys. More information on blood pressure: what is blood pressure?