Know More About High Blood Pressure

When our pressure rises above normal suffer from hypertension, which is a bad silent we must deal with. It is said that this bad attacks more than 20% of adults who are between 40 and 65 years and almost half of people over 65. We said that hypertension is a silent bad and this is because you can suffer and never realize because you may not have symptoms. Since we can have high blood pressure and not know it, the most adapting is a lifetime of prevention. If we do not control our hypertension, this evil can affect our brains, kidneys and up to the functioning of our heart. This problem is one of the main factors for suffering a stroke, since it affects our cardiovascular system hypertension is really a serious problem and many do not take it into account; Doctors and scientists do not yet know the true cause of this great problem but it is never worth preventing. Of course, that if we are familiar with this problem we are much more likely to suffer us also. Happen to think we have hypertension should go to the doctor so we check and tell us what we need to do, it will give you medications and will inform you the diet you should do, because a healthy diet counts for a lot in our recovery or in the worst cases moderate the effects of this evil.