Tag Archives: hobbies & crafts

Plant Diseases

Hop grows along river banks and lakes. Healing in hop cones are. Gather them when ripening, and dried in a dark place. It is used for increased excitability, insomnia, hair loss in broth wash his head, treated skin disease, making an ointment from a powder of dry hops. Hops poisonous plant, and an overdose can cause vomiting, stomach pain and headaches.

Rowan is found everywhere, and it is also very rich in vitamins, is used by rowan diseases caused by vitamin deficiency, anemia and exhaustion. Of ash prepared compotes, jams, liqueurs and make a tincture. Learn more about this with John Studzinski. Dandelion is a very common plant, and is found everywhere. Few people know that juice of this plant helps with biting snakes, as it is and a good vermifuge. From the roots of dandelion tincture is prepared and used for gastritis, liver, gall bladder, and skin diseases. Harvested roots should fall in September. Continue to learn more with: CEO Mark Thompson.

Mother and stepmother of an ancient remedy, cough. Infusions of it is taken from respiratory diseases, asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Fresh leaves are successfully treated wounds, ulcers, boils. Burdock burr or a very popular plant in traditional medicine. Healing are burdock root and leaves. It is used for many diseases. Very good burdock helps to rheumatism, pains in the joints. In addition, he is krovoochistitelnym tool successfully treated and skin diseases. Harvest mug fall, dig up the roots when the plant ottsvetet. Kalgan is a plant known to humans is very long, and its roots are always appreciated, for its miraculous powers.

Spinning Reels

Fishing requires a high-quality gear and equipment. How to make the right choice from the variety of coil products represented? Should be guided by the value of the following criteria: Smooth of the coil size reel spool; Efficiency bow lesoukladyvatelya coil rotation roller stacking coil winding uniformity of line reels. During the fishing exhibit all the drawbacks and dignity selected, spinning, reels, fishing line. Smoothness affects the sensitivity of the coil, which determines the extent possible all maneuvers reeling. In the case where the transfer gear from endless screw to the crown wheel is made of plastic, the coil will turn smooth and soft, but the sensitivity and flexibility low. And important way to fix the coil on the spinning, the reliability of its fixation. Narybalke coil must operate quietly without excessive noise.

The size of the spool spinning reels is very important. It defines versatility in selecting the thickness of the coil of line. This piece is made of metal or plastic with different coatings. In the first case, the total casting distance spinningavyshe in the second case is less than the weight of the coil. One size fits all coils is 2500. In general, the size shpulikatushki chosen, guided by type of fishing: if you plan on fishing on the float, it must be high, and when you plan to use trolling spinning – select a larger unit. For light spinning does not make sense to use powerful coil, as they are significantly heavier weight and shifting center of gravity of the rod. The form of the coil arc lesoukladyvatelya not significant, locked in the open position, it shall be securely, but not snap arbitrarily, or take on fishing this unnecessary inconvenience, add unexpected interruption of line.

Roller lesoukladyvatelya spinning reels usually have tapered block that prevents that the line can get stuck. The transition from the bow to the roller lesoukladvatelya coils should be smooth. Winding coils, ideally uniform, profile – even without the mounds and dips. Cross-wound prevents their appearance. Quite coil system is popular for "worm" or a crank-statutory mechanisms. Veskatushki depends on the materials from which it is made. Large weight indicates the presence of metal machinery. Important and the system skladyvaniyaruchki coil. The most convenient is push-button knob or screw-in coils. Clutch coils should work smoothly for fine adjustment of the tension string. Power clutch must meet anticipated loads on the coil spinning. If all of the parameters are normal, then the coil will last for a long time your spinning.