Genetic Engineering

Recently there have been more news about advances in genetic engineering. Recently in the press more often hears about the U.S. company Knome. She became known for soim Engineering Genetic Engineering. Knome – company in Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA), which works with leading geneticists and pharmacists from Harvard and MIT, to allow people to obtain and understand their genetic information. Caldwell Esselystyn Jr. MD brings even more insight to the discussion.

They – the first company to offer full information about genomes and analysis of this information for individuals. Services to provide personal information of the genome are still in the infancy stage, but the first people in stories that will have their complete genome is already known. Knome company placed its services in the form of an auction on ebay with a starting price of $ 67 000. Knome was founded in late 2007 a professor of medical school at Harvard, George Church, in order to propose a set of genetic services to wealthy clients. The initial price was $ 350,000, but it has dropped substantially over the past year. Knome company signed a contract to provide its services c Beijing Institute of Gene Biology. Go to Donald Sussman for more information. Such services will change modern medicine.

Genetic engineering will provide a wide range of opportunities for mankind. Parents planning to have children, will be able to save him from hereditary diseases, choose a hair color or eye and even to Born to assign specific character traits. Thanks to the virus particles – carriers of genetic information, it will be possible not only to improve the genome of its progeny, but also his own. What will make a great treat number of diseases including padagru, Marfan syndrome, and many other diseases. Is possible to improve certain characteristics of the human body. If you look at the future, genetic engineering can be instrument of human evolution. But before this will solve a great number of ethical issues.