Roughening Fall

Not only thigh fractures, but also cartilage and joint injuries after fall on the hip joint are dangerous. Freezing cold and snow provide not only for fun on the ski and snowboard slopes: in older people, a hard winter presents particular challenges. Many dangerous situations arise due to ice and freezing water on roads, slippery doorways and stairs. Even in their own home, mounted a snow caused new dangers that can lead to falls on shoes. Moving seniors in good training condition often survive such falls without consequences. The best prevention of fall injuries to the hip joint is therefore regular physical exercise and a well trained hip muscles.

Pain in the hip occurs after a fall but a clarification by the orthopedic specialist is imperative. Because a fracture does not immediately lead to the inability to walk. Often the leg appears more resilient, but no longer can Active raised. After breaking in the thigh leg may appear merely twisted and slightly painful, because the strong ligaments and muscles of the hip still hold together the cracks. First, the X-ray can create certainty through specialized orthopedists. The treatment by orthopedists depends in some cases numerous circumstances, the specialist must consider: the exact course of the breaking point and the overall condition of the patient, weight, general fitness, biological age and underlying diseases, such as osteoporosis, play a major role in the choice of treatment. The orthopedic surgeon wants to rapidly stabiliseren the breaking point.

The orthopedic surgeon must spare long phases of complete immobility just the elderly. He knows that complications, permanent deformities in the hip joint for seniors are very dangerous as life-threatening thrombosis, urinary tract infections and Lungenetzundungen. But not only fractures of the femoral have often dramatic consequences for life Those affected. Often downplayed injuries of soft tissues, cartilage, ligaments and the joints lip at the affected hip are. The fall on the hip joint may cause a tearing or a Roughening of the cartilage in the hip joint. The increased friction in the joint can lead to dangerous cartilage degradation and later to hip osteoarthritis. The classic radiography can not capture such cartilage injuries. With modern methods of Huftarthroskopie and magnetic resonance imaging, the orthopedic specialist can now well detect violations of cartilage and joint surface. Handled this injury in the early stage after the fall, chronic disease processes can be prevented until down to severe hip osteoarthritis (Coxarthrosis). This injury not timely handled, the hip joint can deteriorate steadily. After a fall on the hip joint, the affected patient may suffer pain initially only under load or in recurrent episodes, before start the pain later, everyday to determine. These pain episodes are often so long out by stakeholders until the hip joint has chronically inflamed. The patient affected by hip pain visited the Orthopedic specialists at an early stage, a detection and relatively simple early treatment of the consequences of this fall is possible. Learn more about orthopaedic treatment of hip by Dr. med. You can get Thomas Schneider in Freiburg in the Internet at.