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Delirium is a disturbance of the content of thought, product of a deviant and tendentious, trial which elaborates a plot more or less complex, more or less plausible or absurd, but always pathologically flawed, and whose reality the patient has a full certainty and remains irreducible in their convictions. Respect of judgment can point out that it accomplishes its function through two stages. The first stage of development is through relationship and identification and the second critical stage is fulfilled through the comparison and assessment. With respect to the pathological error what can be said is that it is different from the normal error that is irreducible, is not achieved by experience, by demonstration, or by persuasion. This pathological error arises from the failure of the judicativa function that is evident in the delusional subject by diverted a comparison and assessment.

These concepts, although are of great importance in determining the existence of a ideation delirious, and along with other concepts linked with the degree of systematization of delirium, his argument and mechanism of predominant training, etc. can also orient toward a diagnosis, leaves no have importance to get to know something about the why of your content and argument, even though this only constitutes a concern of the examiner, and can even be irrelevant with respect to the expert conclusions concerning the mental state of the accused at the time of the facts which they prompted his arrest. Constructions in psychoanalysis (1937) is one of the texts where Freud argues that delirium due his power of conviction to an element of historical truth that comes to insert instead of a rejected reality. Delirium comes to fill this vacuum and in this sense Lacan will say that DELIRIUM is an alternate metaphor. Freud said that it should his power to the element of historical truth that have brought the primordial past, foregoing the primary repression. Delirium, on the one hand in the place of a rejected reality and, at the same time, realizing that primeval truth. From here will depart work to relate the delirious with the history issue and get to know something about the way in which certain events and relations led to the current disease and, perhaps, to find in any case an explanation that trespass the border of diagnosis and bring us closer to a why..