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Some individuals are simply victims of this movement, as most often given by some snapshot so many things that have no foundation, just to be things that others accepted earlier. Other, less innocent, are those who contribute daily to the corruption of psychoanalysis and political reasons which remain indefensible opinions repeated, only because of personal relationships and career considerations. And here some words uttered by the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan acknowledged shortly before he died … words of a speech that the current analysts do not repeat, but rather, they prefer not to acknowledge: "Our practice is a scam, brag, do people blinking, dazzled with big words …. From the ethical point of view is unsustainable our profession, that is why I'm sick, because I have a superego like everyone else ….

What is at issue is whether Freud is, yes or no, a historic event. I believe that what failed wanted to do. It happened as I was, and soon everyone on psychoanalysis give a damn "(Jacques Lacan: Excerpts from a speech delivered in Brussels on February 26, 1977 and published in Le Nouvel Observateur" Edition Number 880, Page 88) SOURCE: "The Black Book of Psychoanalysis" (Mikkel Jacobsen Bosch- Conttraux-Didier Jean-Jacques Van Riller Pleux Cattherine Meyer-Year-2005) DEFENCE I think the question is not whether Freud was a saint or not, The truth is that one should have been familiar ideas such as the malaise of a culture or future illusion has to be fast and without any difficulty which Freud audience is nothing if not original, since, philosophers little ones, and even controversial in antiquity, and hedonism had proposed as a way to achieve happiness is as an ethics or costrumbre.